Constants on The Path of Jihād

Constants on The Path of Jihād is one of the best contemporary books on the subject of Jihād written by Shaykh Yūsuf Al ‘Iyairī (رحمة الله عليه).

Having left at an early age to fight in Afghanistan against the Russians, people who knew him described him as a very intelligent individual, who was well acquainted and skilled with various kinds of weaponry. Later, after he returned to the Arabian Peninsula where he continued serving the Mujahideen in Chechnya by fundraising for them, he was arrested and put in jail for a few years.

While imprisoned, he memorized both Bukhārī and Muslim. After he was released, he wrote a few books, both considered to be excellent works. One can see the depth of his textual references to Qurʾān and Sunnah as well as references to present day occurrences.

He was later killed by the security forces in the Arabian Peninsula. Imām ʼAnwar Al-ʿAwlakī (رحمة الله عليه) brings this book back to life in this lecture series.

Jihād Will Continue Until the Day of Judgment

Jihād Is Not Dependent on an Individual or a Group of Individuals

Jihād Is Not Dependent On a Particular Land

Jihād Is Not Dependent On a Particular Battle

Victory Is Not Limited to Military Victory

The Definition of Defeat

A transcript of the lecture series can be found here